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Software Quality Assurance ★ Test Automation ★ Manual Testing
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Test Automation with Cypress
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UI Test Automation with Cypress
Note: I haven't used Cypress for a while and have switched to Playwright.
Spec: orangeDemoSmoke.cy.js View run in Mochawesome report 👇
Spec: sauceDemoSmoke.cy.js View run in Cypress Cloud 👇
Spec: sauceDemoLoginOnlyTest.cy.js View run in Cypress Cloud 👇
Spec: lambdaTestDemoRegistration.cy.js | 🎥 watch | 📸 look
Spec: readyToTestSmoke.cy.js | 🎥 watch | 📸 look
Spec: scratchPad.cy.js (experimental) | 🎥 watch | 📸 look
API Test Automation with Cypress ☇
Spec: catApiTest.cy.js | 📸 look1 | 📸 look2
Automated Visual Testing with Cypress 🖼️
Spec: checkGitHubPage.cy.js | 📸 image diff| 📸 slider | 📸 mirror
Spec: checkMusicalNoteElement.cy.js | 📸 image diff | 📸 server
Mochawesome Report 📝
Cypress doesn't have built-in test reports so I used this
Orange demo: sample script results and video
Cypress Cloud 📊
I set this up primarily to explore parallel test execution,
but there is also test reporting and a centralized dashboard.
Sauce demo: two sample scripts ran in parallel results and video
GitHub Actions 🎬
These are some YAML files I was tinkering with early on. I have
a Cypress test that runs against this site on a cron schedule.
There's also an integration with Cypress Cloud in the sauce YAML,
and a few manually triggered Cypress tests for some random sites.
cypress-mysite.yml | orange.yml | sauce.yml | lambdaTest.yml
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