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Software QA and Support ★ Automation ★ Manual Testing
Current Date & Time (Pacific) ★

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About ℹ️
Welcome to my personal homepage, where I tinker with HTML,
CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, APIs, and whatever else sparks
curiosity. For a more personal look into my approach, check out my
water well lid project, testing skills, QA philosophy, and work style.

Curious about the design choice of this page? It was inspired
by and a nod to the charm of 90s websites. Imagine there is
background midi music 🎵 playing for the full experience.
Ready to Test (QA) GitHub Profile 👤
Down to repo list
UI Test Automation with Playwright
This project uses Husky, ESLint, Prettier, and lint-staged to enforce code
quality checks on staged files through a pre-commit hook.


playwright-mysite.yml | Actions workflow | 📸 look1 | 📸 look2
This GitHub Actions YAML file sets up a workflow to run Playwright
in a GitHub Runner environment when a pull request or push occurs.
It checks out two repositories, installs dependencies, starts a local
web server, executes the tests, and uploads the results.
Helpful Tip 💡
The default time zone for GitHub runners is UTC. To prevent issues such as
the date being a day ahead in the runner environment and causing date
assertions to fail, set the time zone of the CI/CD runner environment using a
Marketplace action in your YAML configuration.

Spec: homePage.spec.ts | 📸 look1 | 📸 look2
Highlight: File download and verification
Spec: weatherAlertPage.spec.ts | 🎥 watch
Highlight: Exploring two browser sessions and clipboard operations
Spec: philosophyPage.spec.ts
Highlight: Directly using a page object versus initializing it first
Spec: testingSkillsPage.spec.ts
Highlight: Very simple script with no page objects or helper scripts
Page Object: homePageObject.ts
Page Object: weatherAlertPageObject.ts
Page Object: philosophyPageObject.ts
Using function-based page objects as they are simpler and easier to maintain.
Look in the test-playwright repo pages directory for examples of class-based.
Helper Function 1: verifyTextAndLink.ts
Helper Function 2: getHrefCopyToClipboard.ts
Helper Function 3: readClipboardContent.ts
Helper Function 4: navigation.ts
Helper Function 5: typeTodaysDate.ts
Helper Function 6: getTimeZoneInfo.ts | 📸 look1 | 📸 look2
Test ID Generator: testIdGenerator.ts
Test Data: testData.ts
Feedback Widget Test Run: 📸 look | 🎥 watch
Playwright Config Local: playwright.config.ts
Playwright Config CI: playwright.actions.config.ts
Start Local Server 🏭
Bash: start-server.sh | 📸 look1 | 📸 look2
Node: server.js
All things related to Cypress test automation have been moved
to it's own page which you can find here.
Postman API Testing 📬
My profile and public workspace/collections
National Weather Service API ⛈️🌡️❄️☔🌤
Click Here --> View weather alerts on my page <-- Click Here
Most Recent Earthquake via 📳 USGS Realtime GeoJSON Feed
Source File: earthQuake.js
Depth: km
Time: Pacific
URL: 📍
Code Quality and Site Monitoring ⚠️
Driven by curiosity, I decided to tinker with SonarCloud and
Sentry to explore their functionalities and understand how
they can enhance my projects.
View my SonarQube Cloud project

Slack Integration 🪛
Slack integration with Sentry 📸 look and Cypress Cloud 📸 look
Tinkering with the HTML <video></video> tag 🚘📹
* On desktop, hover your mouse over over the video to toggle opacity.
* On mobile, just tap on or outside of the video to toggle opacity.
Set frequency of JS alert with localStorage alertPopUp.js 🛎️
View my curated list of helpful tools and resources 🛠️
tinker.js JavaScript playground 🎡
Repository Last Commit 💾
Source File: repoLastCommitInfo.js
Sign/View my guestbook

Feel free to use and explore the scripts. This site is intended for educational purposes, not only for my learning journey, but yours too! Thanks for stopping by! You are visitor: