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Software Quality Assurance ★ Test Automation ★ Manual Testing
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Testing Skills 🖥️
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My QA journey has roots in usability testing and UX research projects.
From there, I got into manual testing, learned a bit about JavaScript at
another job, and most recently have been working with test automation.
In three of my four QA roles, I was the first and only QA hire at small
companies, so it was just me and a few developers, making for a really
tight-knit team. In my other role, I worked with a team of five QA
Analysts, where things were more defined and structured. I believe
that building good relationships with your team is crucial to success
in any job. Over the years, I’ve built relationships with developers,
PMs, and QAs, and I continue to stay in touch with many of them.
Don't be deceived by all this tinkering with code. I enjoy and dedicate
a lot of time to manual hands-on testing, especially exploratory testing.
I love the freedom it gives me to uncover issues in creative ways. I
prefer to dive in, trust my instincts, and see what breaks. I'm motivated
by curiosity and the freedom of discovering issues through exploration
rather than following a scripted, documented process. I don't go through
a checklist and tick boxes. This approach is incredibly effective in finding
edge cases, user experience issues, and uncovering unique insights that
scripted tests might miss. I’ve learned that I work best when I’m allowed
explore freely, and that’s where I can add the most value.
The 3 Types of Testers (And Which One I Am).
Bug Report Style
When I’m reporting a bug, I don’t just toss out some dry steps and
call it a day. I make sure to walk you through it. Every step, and
every bit of the breakdown. I’ll show you where things went off
track and what should’ve happened instead. For more complex issues,
I'll create a video and narrate the whole thing, so you’re not
left guessing. You’ll hear exactly what’s going wrong, why it matters,
and how we can fix it clearly.
Example of My Bug Report Breakdown:
- Preconditions: Establishing the context for the bug, if necessary.
- Environment: Browser, OS, mobile, desktop, etc..
- Steps to Reproduce: Here’s exactly how to make it happen.
- Actual Result: What went wrong, plain and simple.
- Expected Result: This is what was supposed to happen.
- Screenshot(s): A picture speaks a thousand words...
- Narrated Video Walk-through: I’m talking through it, explaining
every step, every detail, so you get it. No guesswork, no
confusion. Just clarity.
- Notes: Additional info, console errors, links to related tickets, etc.
Bug Triage and Prioritization
If it's a bug that’s not urgent, I’d just throw it in the backlog and let
the product team review it when they’re sorting out the next sprint.
However, if it's critical, or needs fixing soon, I'd message the PM or Dev,
or tag them in the Jira ticket.
Analyzing and Troubleshooting: From IT to QA
Before finding my passion in quality assurance (QA), my career path
took me through various roles, including IT. I hold a few CompTIA
certifications that are considered Good-for-Life (GFL). While these
certifications are still considered active, it's important to note that
they reflect a historical snapshot of my expertise.
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