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Software QA and Support ★ Automation ★ Manual Testing
Current Date & Time (Pacific) ★

Weather Alerts via National Weather Service API
Displays the 8 most recent active alerts
If fields are blank then data is unavailable
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Source File: weatherAlert.js

API Status:

Alert 1 Sender:
Alert 1 Time Sent:
Alert 1 Area:
Alert 1 Headline:
Alert 1 Headline Extra:
Alert 1 Event:
Alert 1 Severity:
Alert 1 Description:
Alert 1 Instruction:

Alert 2 Sender:
Alert 2 Time Sent:
Alert 2 Area:
Alert 2 Headline:
Alert 2 Headline Extra:
Alert 2 Event:
Alert 2 Severity:
Alert 2 Description:
Alert 2 Instruction:

Alert 3 Sender:
Alert 3 Time Sent:
Alert 3 Area:
Alert 3 Headline:
Alert 3 Headline Extra:
Alert 3 Event:
Alert 3 Severity:
Alert 3 Description:
Alert 3 Instruction:

Alert 4 Sender:
Alert 4 Time Sent:
Alert 4 Area:
Alert 4 Headline:
Alert 4 Headline Extra:
Alert 4 Event:
Alert 4 Severity:
Alert 4 Description:
Alert 4 Instruction:

Alert 5 Sender:
Alert 5 Time Sent:
Alert 5 Area:
Alert 5 Headline:
Alert 5 Headline Extra:
Alert 5 Event:
Alert 5 Severity:
Alert 5 Description:
Alert 5 Instruction:

Alert 6 Sender:
Alert 6 Time Sent:
Alert 6 Area:
Alert 6 Headline:
Alert 6 Headline Extra:
Alert 6 Event:
Alert 6 Severity:
Alert 6 Description:
Alert 6 Instruction:

Alert 7 Sender:
Alert 7 Time Sent:
Alert 7 Area:
Alert 7 Headline:
Alert 7 Headline Extra:
Alert 7 Event:
Alert 7 Severity:
Alert 7 Description:
Alert 7 Instruction:

Alert 8 Sender:
Alert 8 Time Sent:
Alert 8 Area:
Alert 8 Headline:
Alert 8 Headline Extra:
Alert 8 Event:
Alert 8 Severity:
Alert 8 Description:
Alert 8 Instruction: