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Products and Services I Recommend 👍
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Computers and Networking
Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra Internet router
This gives you a lot of control over managing your network including support for
dual WAN (fail over/load balancing) and VLANs. It manages access points with
a built in controller, and the mobile app and web UI are robust and intuitive.
Ubiquiti UniFi U6-LR Long range wireless access point
The long range AP will get you a tad bit further, particularly on 2.4GHZ which
may be all you need to avoid having to get a 2nd AP in specific cases, otherwise
go with the U6-Pro, which generally gives a better quality 5GHZ signal. I've got
the LR version in the house and it's going through 2 exterior walls and 1 interior
wall to a camera in the barn on 2.4GHZ (about 100 feet away), where the U6-Pro
just can't reach that far.
Ubiquiti UniFi U6-Pro Wireless access point
This AP will be your best choice in most scenarios. I'm using it as a secondary
AP for better coverage in the barn. Ideally this would be hardwired, but running
CAT6 to where it's located would be a huge hassle, so I've got it setup as a WiFi
uplink (repeater/mesh) which works great.
Ubiquiti UniFi PoE+ Adapter (30W) Power for access points
Pair this with a good quality CAT6 cable (not the flat or the thin ones).
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