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Software Quality Assurance ★ Test Automation ★ Manual Testing
Current Date & Time (Pacific) ★

The 3 Types of Testers (And Which One I Am)
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Disclaimer: These are my takes on the different types of testers
meant for a bit of humor and maybe a touch of truth. Of course,
most testers don't fit neatly into one category. They often fall
somewhere in between these types. It’s also worth noting that how
a tester operates can vary depending on the environment, company
culture, and whether they’re in a small startup or a large organization.

The Scripted Tester: (Not me)
These QA are excellent at following specific test cases,
but their testing tends to be more mechanical. They can work
through checklists, but they don’t always bring the creative,
exploratory mindset that’s necessary to uncover subtle UX
issues or edge cases. They may not be as comfortable stepping
away from the script or engaging in exploratory testing.

The Automation Driven QA with a Narrower Scope: (Not me)
These QA often bring a strong technical focus, sometimes
too much so. They can automate the heck out of everything but may
struggle with the nuances of manual testing or the user-centered
thinking that goes into exploratory testing. They might also have
less patience for some of the more subjective aspects of QA like
usability testing, and they may expect automation to solve all

The Holistic QA: (This is me today)
They take a broad, end-user-focused approach to QA, concentrating
not just on finding bugs but on improving the overall user experience
and ensuring the product aligns with real-world usage. They look
beyond individual test cases to address gaps in requirements,
functionality and design. There is a focus on understanding the app,
manual exploratory testing, and they also write automation scripts for
regression testing and the key functionalities that are critical to
the product’s performance.
